Tuesday 3 March 2015

Revision and evaluation of module

If there is anything that you want me to find more material on or explain then please let me know.

Using SPSS II (factor analysis)

Again, using the SPSS file that was supplied for this session think of some other analyses you can do and try to do them.

Using SPSS I (descriptive and inferential)

Using the SPSS file that was supplied think of some other analyses you can do and try to do them.

Item response theory (Mokken scaling)

Try to understand the following terms from item response theory: item response function (also known as the ‘item characteristic curve’); monotone homogeneity; double monotonicity/invariant item ordering.

Factor analysis

Make sure that you know the difference between exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.

Monday 2 March 2015

Quantitative analysis II (inferential)

Make sure you know what the following tests are used for: t-test; One-way ANOVA; Pearson’s correlation; Chi-squared test.